Sunday, October 13, 2013

Stewart's Root Beer, Marion Ohio

Stewart's RootBeer Stand in Marion, a step back in time.  Stewarts is located at 1036 North Main Street in Marion, Ohio  43302.  1-740-382-6807.  There are open seasonally.
 Frank Stewart was a school teacher who needed to supplement his income and started making Stewart's Rootbeer back in 1924.  He blended 20 varieties of roots, herbs, and berries to come with the famous and delicious Stewart's Rootbeer.  His first location was in Mansfield, Ohio.
 It is now a franchise with locations in Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and many places on the East Coast.  It truly is a step back in time when you ordered from your car and your meal was delivered by a car hop on roller skates.  Though the roller skates are missing, this location in Marion does still deliver to your car and hooks the tray right on your rolled down car window.
 Some locations are open all year and have grown into a sit down style restaurant, but I'm happy to say this Marion location hasn't!  It's so unique to sit in your car or at the picnic table and enjoy your foot-long hot-dog and root beer like my friend Wendy.
 Or a grilled balogna sandwich and root beer float like I did.
And look at that nice frosty mug!  A fun nostalgic spot for lunch or dinner that's easy on your purse strings.  I highly recommend you pack up the family and give it year, as they are now closed for season.

Spend some time at Linns Old One Room School House
Tour The Harding Memorial

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.


  1. I love places like that! One of my favorite fastfood places is Sonic and they do still wear roller skates in our town.

  2. That looks like a fun place to go! Bet the root beer is yummy!


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