- Made the 26 posts
- Made a total of 251 blog visits and comments (an average of 9.6 visits and comments daily)
- Received 136 comments back, for an average of only 54% return, pretty disappointing, had expected more then that. 136 total divided by 26 days (though we didn't write on Sunday's people did visits on Sundays, so the number of days is perhaps skewed a bit) averages 5.2 visits back daily.
- I did gain some followers, though how many I don't now, as I forgot to notice what my numbers where before hand
- When I signed up Traveling Suitcase for the challenge I was #1888, very close to the bottom, as I signed it up with less then a day left. I ended up at #1581, a jump of 307 spots on the linky. That shows you how many folks either dropped out, or were removed from the linky for various reasons.
However, I did enjoy most of my visits and have increased my blog log for my future visits. I've added everyone who visited here more then once to my list and hope the back and forth continues.
Will I do this again next year? Jury's still out on that, only time will tell.
I think there are things that might improve the challenge if it comes round again next year.
- I think a mandatory deleting captcha vs a strong suggestion is in order.
- I think requiring all sign ups to be the actual blog url vs google + profile, circles profile etc, where you have to click multiple times to even find the blog registered
- No blogs that require signing in or joining something, like the Disgus blogs that want you to join Disgus or sign in with your facebook or twitter profile
- No one with comments turned off should be permitted
- Requiring the logo and or A-Z post D etc to be very visible, like the first line of every post, vs scrolling around the blog to see if the badge is even there when you're not sure if they are really participating
- A separate linky for adult content (AC), hit too many that had a disclaimer of adult content in the text of the blog that weren't so marked on the linky.
- Is is possible to have the linky be alphabetized? So you can more easily see where you left off on the list.
- Maybe it would be a good idea to have separate linky's for each category? Though it appeared most didn't choose a category and I enjoyed visiting all categories, just wondered if it would be helpful?
Thank you to all who visited and took time to post comments:
Christine Rains
Maggie Winter
Linda Ann Nickerson
Annis Cassells
A month of Blog
Joe Richardson
Jennifer Solo Travel Girl
Aidl Weoh
Kaye Draper
Amanda Dollak
anya Padyam
Talya Tate Boerner
Tami Van Zalez
Naila Moon
Bonnie Gwyn
Karen Michelle Nut
Julie Flanders
Katka Lapelosova
Carol Kilgore
Betty Taylor
TaMara Sloan
Donna Sexton
Pat Hatt
Margaret Spain
Clarissa Draper
Elizabeth Seckman
Jana Grissom
John Wiswell
Katka Lapelosova
Denise Flynn
Sylvia Ney
Your visits and comments were appreciated. Thank you!
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