Picnic with the Pops. A wonderful summer time activity suitable for young and old alike. Our symphony performs outdoors several times in the summer, it's casual, it's fun. Truly a great summer tradition in Columbus, Ohio. Here's a general view of he stage area. You see people in chairs, on blankets, at tables. Some get dressed up, others come casual. Some bring feasts, others bring snacks. Truly it's your choice.

There's always a patriotic concert that's quite popular. We ladies dressed appropriately. Pictured left to right: Karen, Jane, and yours truly-Sandy. This years Patriotic Concert will be July 2, Sat evening.

Hubby and I. You can see coolers and people behind us. Everyone claims a spot and settles in.

People come and picnic before the concert. Gates open at 6 pm, and the concerts begin at 8:15 pm. Price for adults is $20.00 and $8.00 for children, with kids under 2 being free. Concerts are held on the lawn at Chemical Abstracts, 2540 Olentangy River Road in Columbus. Tickets can be purchased ahead or at the gate. Discounts available for groups and early purchases. Coupon books for $160.00 hold 10 no date tickets. The series Picnic with the Pops runs from June 18th through July 30th this coming year.

Sometimes there's dancing! Ernie and I cutting a rug as they say. He always dances better after wine, lol. Entertainment varies. This coming season will host the music of Michael Jackson which I'll make a point not to go to. Didn't like him when he was alive, no reason to pretend I do now that he's gone. Always a favorite though is The Ohio State Marching Band they pull in quite a crowd. Others listed are: The Spinners, Chris Botti, Daryl Stuermer and Phil Collins.

And who doesn't enjoy a pretty sunset while sipping wine and enjoying friends and music!
Do you have outdoor family appropriate concerts in your area? If so, I encourage you to turn off the tv and go. Celebrate the season, get outdoors.
More information available about tickets, tables, and kids concerts by clicking on the link at the beginning of this post.
**This is my P post for Z-A challenge.
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