


Grab your passport and your outdoor gear and head to Argentina. This is a sportsman's paradise. Think of water sports, fishing, kayaking, swimming, canoeing and whale watching. Want more adventure, try your hand at white water rafting. Turisom en Argentina encompasses 7 zones. Each zone has something to offer travelers of all ages and all interests.
Be adventureous and hand glide in the Northwest Zone. Or relax and shop in San Salvador, photograph the large diverse species of birds in this region. If you love history like I do, you'll want to seek out the hidden little chapels and the adobe churches which reflect The Spanish influence of it's early settlers. And don't forget to get good pictures of the volcanic areas (now inactive).
Maybe you prefer city life, the hustle and bustle of Buenos Aires? This beautiful warm humid green plain area between the mountains will keep you busy. It's the commercial center of the country with it's vibrant city life, shopping by day with a huge variety of dining options and night life once the sun goes down. Don't forget your bathing suit and sun screen, spend time on The Beach of Mar de Plata. Hoteles en Buenos Aires abound with lodging for you and your family right in the heart of this exciting city.


There are National Parks to explore, Petrified Forest to see, and museums to dwell in along The Atlantic Coastal area. The Patagonia Zone offers lakes, forests, and glaciers to explore and enjoy.
The Mendoza Zone is more desert like with much to offer. Geological adventures abound. Go climbing, or caving. For the less adventurous among us grab your camera and head to The Valley of the Moon with it's breathtaking array of color. Buy your souvenirs in San Juan or San Rafael.
Sportman, Birder, Shopper, history buff or just relax in the forest or on the beach. Hoteles en Argentina can satisfy your needs. Don't forget to ask about package deals.