


Grab your passport and your outdoor gear and head to Argentina. This is a sportsman's paradise. Think of water sports, fishing, kayaking, swimming, canoeing and whale watching. Want more adventure, try your hand at white water rafting. Turisom en Argentina encompasses 7 zones. Each zone has something to offer travelers of all ages and all interests.
Be adventureous and hand glide in the Northwest Zone. Or relax and shop in San Salvador, photograph the large diverse species of birds in this region. If you love history like I do, you'll want to seek out the hidden little chapels and the adobe churches which reflect The Spanish influence of it's early settlers. And don't forget to get good pictures of the volcanic areas (now inactive).
Maybe you prefer city life, the hustle and bustle of Buenos Aires? This beautiful warm humid green plain area between the mountains will keep you busy. It's the commercial center of the country with it's vibrant city life, shopping by day with a huge variety of dining options and night life once the sun goes down. Don't forget your bathing suit and sun screen, spend time on The Beach of Mar de Plata. Hoteles en Buenos Aires abound with lodging for you and your family right in the heart of this exciting city.


There are National Parks to explore, Petrified Forest to see, and museums to dwell in along The Atlantic Coastal area. The Patagonia Zone offers lakes, forests, and glaciers to explore and enjoy.
The Mendoza Zone is more desert like with much to offer. Geological adventures abound. Go climbing, or caving. For the less adventurous among us grab your camera and head to The Valley of the Moon with it's breathtaking array of color. Buy your souvenirs in San Juan or San Rafael.
Sportman, Birder, Shopper, history buff or just relax in the forest or on the beach. Hoteles en Argentina can satisfy your needs. Don't forget to ask about package deals.
I have never been to Argentina but it sounds like a great place to visit. Might have to try it someday. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteArgentina is a really cool country. I´d like to travel tere somedays
ReplyDeleteWhat a colorful country. Your post makes me want to save the money to go there sometime! I just got my passport application filled out yesterday!
ReplyDeleteI haven't been to Argentina. As you described it, I couldn't be more excited to visit the place and experience all the nice things the wondrous place can offer.
ReplyDeleteHave you traveled to Asia? Hope you can come visit the Philippines one day and enjoy our beautiful beaches here Sandy. :D
June would love to visit The Philippines one day, my list of places I'd like to go grows and grows.
ReplyDeleteVery cool Jan, glad you got your application filled out for the passport. I remember how long it took, and how excited I was when it arrived.
i am exited to visit Argitina
ReplyDeleteI dont know the argentina city and culture.Thanks for share and discuss important argentina country information for your posts.
ReplyDeleteWhen I think about Argentina, I think of tango, great red wine, and delicious food...and a lot of beach of course.
ReplyDeleteAny trip to Argentina is a memorable experience, but for the sheer haunting natural beauty, nothing can beat the Argentine Patagonia. The region stretches south from the river Colorado and is straddled between the Andes Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean. The landscape is primitive, majestic and breathtaking and reduces humans to non-entities. Despite the remoteness, however, there are excellent accommodation facilities for the travelers as well.
ReplyDeleteMoreover, you must visit Virginia, The Shenandoah Valley where you must see the very marvelous destination to visit Wood Ruff Inns Resorts. It is the best place to spend your vacations, honey moons and special holidays.
Planning a trip to Argentina next year. It's been on my radar for a long time, but trips to Greece, Egypt and Costa Rica have been given priority lately. Can't wait to finally get there.
ReplyDeleteArgentina is one of the biggest countries in the world that is said to be the "land of six continents" all in one. The best idea may be to devote a vacation to each region in order to enjoy the most of it. You can travel from deep in the rain forest taking pictures of exotic animals and plants, to watching opera in at the Buenos Aires--the capital of Argentina, to the beach to soak up the rays of the sun, or to the mountainous region of the south in Patagonia where glaciers share their overpowering presence. The question isn't what you can see, but do you have enough vacation time to see it.
ReplyDeleteExplore Buenos Aires
There is much to see here in this metropolis for cosmopolitans. Take a walk through the center of the city through Plaza de Mayo to familiarize yourself with the city and its history where many historical events took place.
Shop SanTelmo
Head over to San Telmo in Buenos Aires to shop amongst vibrant colors, exotic boutiques and cobble stone streets. If your feet still have energy, then take off your walking shoes and put on your dancing shoes to enjoy the vibrant life of the tango. Or if you just want to rest, relax at one of the world's best opera houses named Teatro Colon.
La Recoleta
Other places you may enjoy are the La Recoleta, a famous Argentina cemetery where aristocracy and military officials are buried including Juan Peron, several presidents and wealthy characters. You'll find this famous cemetery in the Recoleta neighborhood of Buenos Aires.
Iguazu Falls
After the hustle and bustle of the city, you may venture out to greener pastures to Iguazu Falls, which is taller and much wider than the Niagara Falls. It is truly a natural wonder. Take one of the many tours and explore about two and a half miles of churning white noise laid out in a picturesque scene.
Whale Watching
Then travel south to Valdez Peninsula where over two hundred thousand tourists visit each year to see the whales and orcas.
On your adventure to the southern part of Argentina, visit Pampas, where world-class beaches are strewn on the landscape with a painter's flair.
Mar del Plata
Try Mar de Plata too where you can swim with the seals. Mar Del Plata is a seaside resort where ground tours are available and paragliding as well. And after sun has gone down, enjoy a few cocktails as the nightlife begins to heat up.
Perito Glacier
After the beach, explore the Perito Glacier. This site is excellent for all ages, and you can walk right up and along side the glacier to experience them first hand. Located in Los Glaciares National Park it is also one of the world's largest reserve of fresh water.
After the glacier, venture further south to what is known as the "end of the world" or possible the end of your vacation to visit Ushuaia, where looming mountains stand strong and majestic lakes mirror the sky.
Oh Man! Such a big fish.Have you taken that picture.Excellent Job.
ReplyDeleteArgentina sounds like a blast. Love water, South America, and fun so here I come. Calling my Travel Agent now. Thanks for your post.
ReplyDeleteI have been never to Argentina, I would like to visit the Argentina. I have seen the snaps you have shared with us were really very impressive.
ReplyDeleteArgentina is a really cool country
ReplyDeleteI have been never to Argentina, I would like to visit the Argentina..