Montezuma Castle, one of 4 historic and culturally significant areas claimed as a National Monument in 1906 by President Theodore Roosevelt. What a forward thinking outdoors man he was. A near 1,000 year old story preserved in this limestone cliff. One of best examples in North America of cliff dwellers.
This ruin is a 20 room high rise. Visitors to the park used to explore it first hand after climbing up a series of steep ladders. Due to decay, the site was closed to the general public in 1951. It is now only open to Park Rangers to check on it's condition. Visitors are able to walk around and get a good look from below and above; from the paths surrounding it.
The castle was vacated some 600 years ago by the Sinagua (Spanish word meaning sin and water, without water).
It reminded me of our fascinating tour years ago at Mesa Verde, which is also now closed to the public. To think of how advanced their life was boggles the mind.
I highly recommend this as a must stop when in the area. Summer months are hot, bring sunscreen and water. In all season's good walking shoes/boots are a must. Leave your sandals at home, or back at the hotel.