*remember to click to enlarge pictures
Historic River Street in Savannah Georgia is fun even on a cloudy, rainy day. You can walk the coastline of The Savannah River and enjoy watching the boats and ships come and go. You can see pleasure boats, cruise boats/ships, and cargo ships coming and going from this busy seaport. You can sign up for a fun filled Pirate Ship Tour. This is a particularly good activity for families, the small children love it.

This quaint slippery, steep cobblestone street is closed off. We're at the waters edge looking back up the hill.

Can you begin to see how steep this hill is? How old and uneven the cobblestone is? I was glad I had tennis shoes on for walking; everyone we saw with sandals and less sturdy shoes was having a time of it. It had rained and these aged and very worn stones were treacherous.

Looking down the row of old businesses, you can see how narrow the street is. Savannah you might know is one of the cities saved when Sherman's troops marched through Georgia. It was deemed to pretty to destroy, so the city has many historic streets, houses, and businesses. This would have been the original main street when the port was busy transporting cotton and other trade goods.

We're on a bridge of the now main street looking down watching the old meet the new. This narrow, slippery cobblestone street and parking lot present quite a challenge for today's modern vehicles. Note the Budweiser truck and what little space he has to turn. Note the sawdust. He had made his deliveries and could not keep up the ramp due to the steepness and how slippery the roadbed was. They had quite a team working to get parked cars out of the way in case the truck flipped, slipped, and or needed more space. They had been working on this for over an hour we were told by other interested visitors.

The 2nd truck driver is also watching closely, assuming he'll have the same trouble. Another reminder if you haven't already done so; click on these 2 truck pictures so you can see the situation.
We spent a couple of hours walking this area, stopped for lunch, hit a few shops. A fun way to spent time in Savannah. I do hope we're able to return for a longer visit. We had driven over from
Hilton Head and the weather was getting bad, fog rollin in and we felt it best to get back. The road to and from is narrow and curvy; not the best place to be in the low country when the fog moves in.
Recommendations wear comfortable supportive shoes, if you have small children use a stroller; there's too much difficult walking for them. Do a child friendly activity like the Pirate's Cruise.