Ok, the important part and the reason for my posting this is. What do you wear when sleeping in a hotel room? Do you have something to cover up with near by? Early morning, we'd not yet had a cup of coffee; though we each had one in hand we were sipping when the extremely loud fire alarm went off. I sleep in a t-shirt; but was cold and had put on a fleece and lounge type pants. I could go outside in what I was wearing. Hubby was similarly clad. He did quickly put his jeans on before we walked down the stairs though. I took time enough to grab my purse and cell phone and away we went. Should have seen the barefoot folks in jammies stumbling around. No one was awake, not really anyway. Though getting all that blood flowing as we walked to the ground floor to exit surely helped.
This isn't the first time we've had to exist a hotel for a fire and or fire alarm. Last time it wasn't daylight; it really was in the middle of the night. Luckily it was warm weather and we all were out in the parking lot for some time while the fire department took care of things. That was many years back, when our daughter was young. Waking up a young one quickly, getting something on not a easy task.
It's important to be organized folks, even when you're suppose to be relaxing and on vacation. Before you go to bed at night, know where your purse-wallet, cell phone, and shoes are. Have a quick put on something at your finger tips. You really never know what might happen, and you want to be able to quickly get yourself and loved ones to safety without fumbling around or going outside without sufficient clothing on. And you really do need to put on shoes, yes even you teenagers (who were the bulk of those we saw stumbling around barefooted). If there really is a fire, you don't want to burn your feet. If there really is a fire you don't want to step on glass that's a reality if firemen have busted through a window or something to get in.
In both situations we were all were safe. The first time there was a fire in a trash can from a cigarette not properly extinguished which caused the smoke detectors to go off. Took them awhile to find it too, as they searched floor to floor. I'm happy now that most hotels are smoke free so this is probably less of a issue. Though I know people do cheat and still smoke in places they aren't suppose to. This last time I believe there was a problem in the kitchen area as they were preparing breakfast.
Remember you can not take the elevator when there's an alarm. You must use the stairway. Do you take a minute to see where the stairs are when you're in a hotel? If you've not done that in the past, PLEASE make it a point to do that here forward in your travels.
So my travel alert and tip for you all:
- Be organized, have shoes and essentials at finger tips
- Know where the stairs are