When you travel one way to save money is to do some cooking yourself. We typically have a kitchen or kitchenette and therefore don't have the need to eat every meal out. We pack small containers of spices that we use in most of favorite dishes. We've even found small containers of salad dressing. You don't want to spend all your time at the grocery store; nor do you want to throw away half used items that are left at the end of your weeks vacation. That's wasteful and costly. Plan ahead. This small container holds tea bags, a coffee bag or two, spices, powdered creamer and sugar, salt and pepper. You might notice a hotel package there on the right side in the picture. I rarely use all that is supplied in a hotel room, so do keep the extra packages. They're light weight and easy to pack that way.
We almost always grill out a night or two, most of the resorts we've stayed in have a grill area. That's a great way to stretch your budget, eat well, and not be restricted if you don't have a full kitchen. So the spices we pack always come in handy for that. Mrs. Dash can be used for so many things it's a good multi-purpose spice that always travels with us.
Breakfast is generally not more then coffee, a breakfast roll, fruit or bowl of cereal. My small packages of creamer are used for breakfast.
Lunch is lite consisting of apples, crackers, cheese and maybe some lunch meat. Small amounts of each we've found are easily obtainable, take little room even if in a small kitchenette, filling and well used up when the week is over.
If you have a full kitchen you may purchase more and have more left at the end of your week. Before you pitch it ask the desk if they keep items on hand. We've found many Marriott facilities keep a food bank box in or near the lobby where unopened items can be put and donated.
This small box of goodies and are packable plastic stemware have served us well in our travels. We take them even when flying.
7 days left in the contest, you still have time to enter.