Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Traveling Through

This is a different kind of travel, one I've posted about before.  I do a lot of walking, put a fair number of miles in those travels.  I often see interesting things when my feet take me traveling.  I don't remember until recent years people decorating so much for Halloween, do you?
I have several walking routes through the neighborhood with options to hit 3 different city parks.  Most of the routes are between 4-5 miles.  The skeletons on a picnic was cute.
Another Skeleton themed decoration.

This is perhaps the most elaborate set up with the number of tombstones and even a gate to enter.

Do you decorate?  I don't.  Do you see many decoration in your neck of the woods?  

It's been beyond ages since I've blogged so this is just a quick post to get things rolling again.  Next post will be about a week we spent in South Carolina, do do come back.   

PLEASE leave me a comment when you come visit, so I know you were here. Your visits and comments are very special to me. AND remember, leave your name and url and not your  profile link. Name and url takes me right to your blog post so I can reciprocate the visit. Profile pages do not.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Let's Travel back in time with the help of a time a time of black and white, a time of homemade Halloween Costumes.  

Me on the left wearing a very itchy burlap dress my Mom made.  I was an Indian Princess.  My long braids were a black scarf that I used for years as a black scarf.  

In the middle, my younger brother as a bunny.  I don't remember what Mom used to make his costume...fabric wise, but she was quite a seamstress.

On the right is my older brother as a Hobo.  What's nice from memory is none of us wore a mask, so we could easily breath and see where we were going.  We're standing in front of the family TV (yes family tv, there was just one, like in most households).

The location, Marion  Well, not sure but am guessing somewhere around 1955 ish?

As we travel back in time, I'm reminded how different the holiday was celebrated then.  There were no parades, no parties at school...after all you went to school to learn, not to have parties.  You went door to door in just your neighborhood and parents stayed at home in the house, so they could pass out the candy.  You always were invited into someone's house, cause you knew them and they knew you.  They pretended to guess who you were, why you'd chosen to be.......whomever it was you'd chosen to be...AND, you always said Trick n Treat, and you always said thank you.

In my neighborhood now, parents are always with their kids, kids get driven from neighborhood to another to collect more, most kids are wearing store bought costumes, there is no neighbor to neighbor conversation.  Most kids don't say thank you, and sadly most parents don't make them.  Most schools have parties and parades so the kids typically celebrate either the whole day or multiple days......perhaps overload?  Perhaps too much.  Simpler might be better.

PLEASE leave me a comment when you come visit, so I know you were here. Your visits and comments are very special to me.