Un-scheduled time. Take the watch up, unplug clock you're on vacation.
Today's letter is U......Un-scheduled.
While it may not be practical to truly unplug the clock in hotel room, it probably is reasonable and worthwhile to take your watch off. Aside from a few tours you've perhaps scheduled where tickets are necessary, eat when you're hungry, sleep when you're tired. Don't schedule everyday of your vacation. Often it's the unplanned things that make the trip special. Allow yourself to just be idle, to relax, to take in and think about the sites you've seen or the book you read, or even just enjoy the fact that you're not on the clock.
We like to be busy when we travel site seeing; but we also enjoy doing off the cuff things, have been known to cancel something that was planned in favor of "down" time or a different activity all together.
Want to travel to a destination that starts with U.......how bout Urbana, or Utah
**After the close of April's A-Z, I plan to continue to write a post a day in the month of May using again the A-B-C's as my guide. My focus for the month of May will be Spain. I've been planning and almost have every letter thought out. If others are interested in continuing to blog daily using our A-B-C's, please let me know. We could start a linky and continue what we've begun during April. I don't imagine it will be anywhere near the scope of the annual April Challenge. But, if you're interested, please let me know in your comment. And even if you're not up for another blog challenge, do stop back in, I have much to share from recent travels to Spain.**
If you're a new follower, please let me know so I can reciprocate.
Travel tips for people of all ages to make your travel more interesting and more pleasant. As well as things not to see or do. Come explore with me.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Packing Toiletries
T's the letter for today, Toiletries or Turtle Park, for T destination.
Packing Toiletries can be time consuming, difficult, and be be the biggest item that tips the scales of your luggage weighing too much. Why?
- The actual weight and size of the bag you use to pack your toiletries can be part of the problem. Look at the difference in the two bags. I loved the look of my Vera Bradley bag, and I liked that I got it on line for really cheap when it was out of season; but no matter how I packed it, it rolled up large and was heavy. I take shampoo, hair spray, a few meds, toothpaste etc. all the usual stuff. I should add, I don't wear make up so that's not even packed in there. The construction of the bag makes it heavy, the heavy duty plastic to contain liquids is the primary reason, I believe. The 2nd bag, the red Eddie Bauer one has been made with a light weight fabric specifically to be light weight, yet durable. Purpose over appearance. You can see how much smaller it is. I packed almost the same stuff in it and it rolled up smaller. The actual roll size saves space in the suitcase as well as weight.
- Liquids really add to the weight. Did you know that a pint of liquid...a pint is pretty small but it weights a whole pound? Think about the liquid you pack. Shampoo, Conditioner, mouthwash, perfume, body spray, hair gel, hair spray. All those things add up pretty quickly. Lotions and liquid soap as well.
- I bounce back and forth about what is easier, makes more sense and or packs best ...multiple small containers vs 1 large container with regard to things like toothpaste and hair spray. If you pack 3 or 4 small containers of hair spray, you can throw them out as you go...therefore making more room in your bag. Same goes with toothpaste. Example 1 normal size hair spray weights 10 oz vs 1.5 in the little travel size of my brand (S-G). So even with taking 4 little ones 4 x 1.5=6, I'm saving 4 oz, plus I'll have ability to toss as I go. The trick is to mark the one you're using so you keep using the same one til empty...vs have 4 partials and still needing to tote them all.
If you're a new follower, please let me know so I can reciprocate.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Stranger Danger, Sausalito, A-Z challenge
S is the letter of the day. Travel with me to Sausalito
Stranger Danger...if you've got kids, grandchildren and the like you're know what I'm referring to. Kids are taught at a very young age about Stanger Danger. Now think about that and the mass of people at an airport. When you travel with a child they don't know what to expect. They don't know whom to afraid off or who's "safe". You have lots of travelers, airport personnel, security people. Is it any wonder children scream, cry, crawl on the floor or refuse to stand in line or talk to people who ask them questions?
Parents should prepare the child for what will happen, what they'll see so they're not taken by surprise. Knowing ahead of time what to expect provides a level of comfort. If you prepare your children, they'll be better travelers, your job will be easier and less stressful and your fellow passengers will be appreciative. They should know ahead of time they will be walking through the line without being carried, and that they'll need to remove their shoes.
Adults have comfort zones, children really are no different.
**After the close of April's A-Z, I plan to continue to write a post a day in the month of May using again the A-B-C's as my guide. My focus for the month of May will be Spain. I've been planning and almost have every letter thought out. If others are interested in continuing to blog daily using our A-B-C's, please let me know. We could start a linky and continue what we've begun during April. I don't imagine it will be anywhere near the scope of the annual April Challenge. But, if you're interested, please let me know in your comment. And even if you're not up for another blog challenge, do stop back in, I have much to share from recent travels to Spain.**
If you're a new follower, please let me know so I can reciprocate.
Monday, April 21, 2014
State Parks, National Parks and Forest Preserves often have organized raft trips that vary in skill needed. I'm not a good swimmer and so once was probably enough for me to feel that my card is punched on this particularly outdoor activity.
Goodness, we're rounded in on Letter R of our A-Z challenge, not many letters left.
Want an R destination? Get your Kicks on Route 66
**After the close of April's A-Z, I plan to continue to write a post a day in the month of May using again the A-B-C's as my guide. My focus for the month of May will be Spain. I've been planning and almost have every letter thought out. If others are interested in continuing to blog daily using our A-B-C's, please let me know. We could start a linky and continue what we've begun during April. I don't imagine it will be anywhere near the scope of the annual April Challenge. But, if you're interested, please let me know in your comment. And even if you're not up for another blog challenge, do stop back in, I have much to share from recent travels to Spain.**
If you're a new follower, please let me know so I can reciprocate.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Wrapping Up Another Week with A-Z on Easter Sunday
Since it's Easter Sunday, thought I'd share this photo taken in Barcelona at Sagrada Familia.
Another week has been completed by lots of bloggers in the anual A-Z Challenge in April. I appreciate all who've come by read and left comments. I've returned all.........except a few who have the blogs set to only accept people signed in with Disgus, Google+, and or Facebook. It's a bit frustrating. Joining a huge linky with currently over 2,000 members (and was more initially) then making it difficult or impossible for people to leave you comments. That defeats the entire purpose of the linky and the challenge. What I wonder from time to time is...they join, knowing they will not be returning visits and comments, therefore they don't care that they've closed their blogs to a large percentage of people. They still get the traffic...because you don't know you can't leave a comment until you've taken the time to visit and read their blog...ie..they get the traffic. They won't be visiting you back, because you can't leave a comment. Or is it not intentional and they simply don't understand? One has to set ones blogs settings, so me thinks it's intentional. How bout you all?
It's like sending someone an invitation to come to your house, and when they come knocking on your door; you don't answer it. I do think as soon as those sites are visited by the hosts and the minions they should be deleted from the linky.
Last Sunday I asked that people please not leave the google+ page, that they leave the url to their actual blog, thank you to those that have changed. The same problem exists for those of us with multiple blogs, if I leave my google signature/ie my blogger dashboard you go to my profile page where you need to sort through my 5 blogs to see which one to visit, then hope it's the one signed up for a-z....though it's a bit more straight forward then the google+ pages it still puts the onerous on the visitor which I believe isn't quite the way it ought to be. The blogger is the one that should take on the responsibility of making the path to his or her blog OPEN and EASY and QUICK.
Name and url (to your actual blog) is by far the easiest to me, but many don't like to have the setting available as you also have to have the anonymous option with it. So then the next option is the hyper-link. Many don't know how to make one, so they leave a cut and paste of the url to the blog...they're trying, but it's not a live link. Here's how you make a live link...a hyperlink.

Alex Cavanaugh
Arleen Bird
ATarkabarka Holgy
Bob Sanchez
Carolyn Branch
Cascadian Nomands Bethany
Chris Boothman
Christine Rains
Corinne Vail
Daidri Smythe
Heather Gardner
Heather Musk
Jaimie Ramsey
jenna,Mark Draddy
Kate @Another Clean Slate
Leslie Melby
Lila Asnani
Liz A
looking for a view
Meandering Mind
Millie Burns
Nancy LaRonda Jackson
Natalie Bowers
Nilanjana Bose
Paige Rion
perspective of a writer
Preethi Venugopal
Rhonda Albom
Rikaine Hernadez
sean@His And Her Hobbies
Spacer Guy
Sue Kuentz
Sue McPeak
Susan leighnoble
Susan Scott
Suzanne Sapsed
Troy Miles
vanilla ban
Veronica Sicoe
Welcome to my World of Verse
Zoe Byrd
**After the close of April's A-Z, I plan to continue to write a post a day in the month of May using again the A-B-C's as my guide. My focus for the month of May will be Spain. I've been planning and almost have every letter thought out. If others are interested in continuing to blog daily using our A-B-C's, please let me know. We could start a linky and continue what we've begun during April. I don't imagine it will be anywhere near the scope of the annual April Challenge. But, if you're interested, please let me know in your comment. And even if you're not up for another blog challenge, do stop back in, I have much to share from recent travels to Spain.**
Another week has been completed by lots of bloggers in the anual A-Z Challenge in April. I appreciate all who've come by read and left comments. I've returned all.........except a few who have the blogs set to only accept people signed in with Disgus, Google+, and or Facebook. It's a bit frustrating. Joining a huge linky with currently over 2,000 members (and was more initially) then making it difficult or impossible for people to leave you comments. That defeats the entire purpose of the linky and the challenge. What I wonder from time to time is...they join, knowing they will not be returning visits and comments, therefore they don't care that they've closed their blogs to a large percentage of people. They still get the traffic...because you don't know you can't leave a comment until you've taken the time to visit and read their blog...ie..they get the traffic. They won't be visiting you back, because you can't leave a comment. Or is it not intentional and they simply don't understand? One has to set ones blogs settings, so me thinks it's intentional. How bout you all?
It's like sending someone an invitation to come to your house, and when they come knocking on your door; you don't answer it. I do think as soon as those sites are visited by the hosts and the minions they should be deleted from the linky.
Last Sunday I asked that people please not leave the google+ page, that they leave the url to their actual blog, thank you to those that have changed. The same problem exists for those of us with multiple blogs, if I leave my google signature/ie my blogger dashboard you go to my profile page where you need to sort through my 5 blogs to see which one to visit, then hope it's the one signed up for a-z....though it's a bit more straight forward then the google+ pages it still puts the onerous on the visitor which I believe isn't quite the way it ought to be. The blogger is the one that should take on the responsibility of making the path to his or her blog OPEN and EASY and QUICK.
Name and url (to your actual blog) is by far the easiest to me, but many don't like to have the setting available as you also have to have the anonymous option with it. So then the next option is the hyper-link. Many don't know how to make one, so they leave a cut and paste of the url to the blog...they're trying, but it's not a live link. Here's how you make a live link...a hyperlink.

Alex Cavanaugh
Arleen Bird
ATarkabarka Holgy
Bob Sanchez
Carolyn Branch
Cascadian Nomands Bethany
Chris Boothman
Christine Rains
Corinne Vail
Daidri Smythe
Heather Gardner
Heather Musk
Jaimie Ramsey
jenna,Mark Draddy
Kate @Another Clean Slate
Leslie Melby
Lila Asnani
Liz A
looking for a view
Meandering Mind
Millie Burns
Nancy LaRonda Jackson
Natalie Bowers
Nilanjana Bose
Paige Rion
perspective of a writer
Preethi Venugopal
Rhonda Albom
Rikaine Hernadez
sean@His And Her Hobbies
Spacer Guy
Sue Kuentz
Sue McPeak
Susan leighnoble
Susan Scott
Suzanne Sapsed
Troy Miles
vanilla ban
Veronica Sicoe
Welcome to my World of Verse
Zoe Byrd
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