Showing posts with label car. Show all posts
Showing posts with label car. Show all posts

Friday, August 3, 2012

Car Travel and Summer Family Vacations

Pack the car and grab the kids and take your family vacation. Yes pack the car, not board the plane. Cars travel is much more suited to a family vacation then plane travel. Something families should consider before they book those expensive plane tickets and spend money that makes the vacation more expensive then it needs to be.

Why car travel over plane travel?
  1. It's far more cost effective
  2. You can do it on your time table (like traveling around kids nap times)
  3. You can stop when you need to for bathroom breaks (not wait til the light goes on that it's ok, while your child moans that he or she has to go, not wait til it's smooth in the air, not wait til 300 ish other passengers make their way to the itty bitty bathroom)
  4. You can see interesting things along the way
  5. You can play family games and carry on conversations (often not possible on the plane because it's too loud with the motor noise and that off the other 300 ish passengers)
  6. You can eat when you need to, not work around flight delays.
  7. The kids can move a little, lay down and nap if need be.
Why do so many families opt for plane travel vs car travel?
  1. They perceive it's easier and faster.
  2. Depending on where you're going it might or might not be faster.
  3. Based on what I've seen in my travels....there is NOTHING about it that's easier.
  • Kids crying because they don't under security
  • Kids crying because they don't understand not being able to eat or go potty when they want
  • Kids crying because they don't understand delays
  • Kids crying because they don't want to stay buckled
  • Kids crying and wining because they don't understand or like that they have to turn off the movies, their games, or their music
  • Kids crying because they're just plain worn out from getting up too early, running through the airport, not being able to carry or pull their luggage
  • Parents irritable because they kids are wearing them out, and they are stressed
  • parents irritable because they can't get all 4 seats together (or even 3, cause they didn't bother to check in ahead of time
  • Kids general unhappy because they can't sit that long, and not self entertain
When you travel by car, you can the actual trip, not just the destination part of the vacation.

If you feel you must travel with the young kids by post. Making plane travel non stressful takes LOTS of work, and preplanning. Do stop back in.
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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Packing Thursday Traveling Tip

suitcasePacking, it's been my experience that regardless of where you go, most people over pack. Ask yourself several questions.
  1. ..What am I going to be doing (what type of clothes are needed to accomplish this)
  2. ..How long am I going to be there
  3. ..What's the weather like
  4. ..Are there laundry facilities there?
Answering those questions will truly help you.
Example...what am I going to be doing? Going to the beach, you're going to be walking and laying on the beach. What do you need? Sunscreen and bathing suit, and not much more. So, if you're in a hotel where you will eat out every meal, you need clothes for that. Is it fancy? Probably not, most beach places are pretty casual. Shorts, or summer skirts and tops are probably all that's needed. If you're in a condo and will be doing you own cooking, are you going to "dress for dinner"?
How long am I going to be there? Going for a week, you need maybe 2 skirts for evening with different tops, and maybe 2 pair of shorts for variety. A couple of suits so one can be drying while you've got the other one on. What's the weather like? Probably a beach trip is hot (though I took one that wasn't) Sweater sets are great, sleeveless for when it's hot, and a matching sweater if it cools down at night or you get cold in A.C. while dining out. Are there laundry facilities? If so, you can pack lighter and do a laundry mid week.

My suggestion is to lay out what you think you need on the bed, look it over; match sure colors blend so you can mix and match. If not make changes. Then when you satisfied, remove 1 full outfit and hang it back up in your closest. Think back, how many times have you come home and said I didn't need this or that while unpacking?

folding bagsPack a slightly larger suitcase then you need for your clothes, you'll have room them for purchases you make while gone. Be they gifts for friends and family or your personal souvenirs. Toss in a bag or two like these. These happen to be what I use grocery shopping, but one or two of these gives you a bag to separate things in your suitcase for the return trip, something to put your beach towel, sunscreen etc. if you're going to the beach or spending time at the hotel pool.

If you're flying, be sure and weigh your suitcase at home. Give yourself room to grow heavier so you're not charged for a heavy bag. Another good purpose of those bags above. You could use one for your carry on if you're over weight. How will you know if you're overweight at the hotel? Does your hotel have a workout room? Most do, so do condo's at resorts. There are scales in a work out room. Weight your bag the night before departure. Don't be caught off guard.

**Still having issues with formatting. Can anyone figure out why the numbers and or dots don't work here when I post on blogger? I see both when I type in draft form, I see both in preview form, I see neither when post is published. The same situation with the few times I've tried to use a linky. No numbers appear???
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Potty Stops when you Travel

airport bathroom
Brill airport commodePotty stops when you travel are a huge consideration. You might be traveling solo, or with family, or with pets. You might be traveling for fun, you might be traveling for business. It doesn't matter; you still need a potty stop. When and where can alter your time table, so as silly as it sounds; think about your potty stops.

Here's some basic potty stop rules:
  1. You're not in your personal bathroom at home, wherever you are you are NOT alone. So, be quick, do your business, wash your hands and move on. Don't sit and chat on your cell phone, don't pull out a magazine or book.

  2. Don't pass up a bathroom because you don't have to go right then. Use it when it exists, you may not have one at hand when you need it.

  3. If you're traveling with children and or pets, don't ask them if they have to go. A potty stop means everyone goes potty, so you don't have to stop multiple times. (particularly important when in a car and the next rest stop isn't for 100 miles, or when you've just boarded an airplane and people are trying to get settled and someone who passed by the opportunity earlier now wants to go potty.

  4. If traveling by car do you space your potty stops to coincide with eating breaks or getting gas? If you do, that's far more time efficient then stopping separately for everything.

  5. When you go potty, ladies take your purses for security reasons. Men make sure you have your cell phone on you.
**note the numbers aren't working still, err, added spaces folks, sorry for the lousy format business
The potty featured here was one I spotted at the airport in Omaha where I did a quick stop, go potty, and change planes. First time I'd seen such a clean public potty and wanted to share with you all. My daughter tells me she's seen these design in a couple of airports. You wave your hand and the plastic bag covering moves, giving you a clean surface. How cool is that! Some facilities have those paper covers; which are typically empty and very annoying.

The most important potty stop rule (more for ladies then men), when you walk into the stall look to see if the toilet paper is empty BEFORE you get undone and sit/squat. Sometimes you have other stall choices, sometimes not. Check to see if there's paper towels. Sadly though, one can sometimes substitute paper towels, if the facility is out of toilet paper, it's also probably out of paper towels and or uses one of those air hand dryers. ALWAYS, carry tissues with you in your purse.

And remember to use a paper towel to open the door on your way, if you can. Any idea how many hundreds and thousands of people use these public facilities? More then we care to know, probably. Don't let your kids walk around in them barefoot.

Happy Traveling, Be safe, Be Healthy, Be Smart and think about your potty stops.
**Due to some technical difficulties yesterday's post was incomplete, click on it... The Lovely Blog Award.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Traveling by Car or Traveling by Plane?

Traveling is fun, it's educational, interesting, and can be stress free. However, often people make travel confusing, difficult, and more stressful then it needs to be.

How to travel is an important factor in the process and can enhance your experience or detract from it in a very negative way. If you're traveling for business you're probably flying instead of driving. However, that might not be the best method of travel. Habits are hard to break, but consider this for a minute. Getting up at the crack of dawn to take the one flight where you're going can add stress to your day and make you tired and irritable. Missing your flight obviously can produce lots of stress and sometimes added expense to the trip. Weather conditions often delay flights, cause you to be routed to other cities even; more time lost and again potential added expense. Most airlines require you to be at the airport an hour or two ahead of your scheduled departure time. Do you need to rent a car once you reach your destination to get to your hotel or the meeting? That process takes time and cost money too. Consider the distance you're actually going, you might be ahead to rent a car and drive. Having pretty scenery to see coming and going can add a pleasant distraction from your hectic work schedule. You're much more in control of time tables when you drive vs when you fly. Take for example a trip from Columbus, Ohio to St. Louis. Taking into count arriving at the airport appropriately early, flight time; it's about a 4.5 hour time commitment provided everything's on time and you fly non-stop. It's about 6.5 hour car trip. For a mere 2 hours you could be ahead to drive. It's certainly cheaper to drive. Just food for thought. Other considerations obviously are whether you're making the trip solo or with other people. If traveling with other people, driving becomes even more cost effective.

If you're traveling with children I highly recommend car travel over plane travel hands down! Even if the trip is longer than say above example of Columbus, Ohio to St. Louis, Missouri. Kids can be better entertained in the car then they can on a plane. It's definitely cheaper for a family of 4 to drive unless they're using frequent flier miles. You have total control over when you stop to eat, when and where you stop to go potty. When and where to eat and go potty are super important when traveling with kids. You have total control over who sits where or with whom; which you don't have on a plane. The average family is 4 people and most airplanes don't have 4 seats together. Packing for the trip is far easier when traveling by car vs traveling with kids on a plane. You don't have to worry about finding and lugging all your luggage, while trying to hold juniors hand, and finding out you really need to be an octopus to hold and carry everything. Many kids are afraid of planes, and the large number of strangers they see on them. Car travel eliminates that. You also have control over what time you depart. For small children I recommend picking them up while asleep (be it at night or during nap time), and placing them in the car after you are totally loaded and ready to depart. They'll sleep, you'll have a very peaceful couple of hours of travel. You can dress them quickly and easily when you stop at the rest area for a potty break; or if they're infants to change a diaper. You know how tiny airplane restrooms are, you don't want to have to change a diaper in there. In fact, I'm not sure you could. Though I also don't support changing them in your lap while you're in your plane seat. Yes, in my travels I've seen people do that. One mother traveling alone ask the couple she was sitting with if they minded. Well I guess it was nice she asked. Their choice was to put with the smell of the dirty diaper or agree to let her do the diaper change on their shared laps. Ok, now she has the dirty diaper to dispose of and she's in the window seat. Not a good solution for any of us in the surrounding rows.

Planes aren't the cleanest places in the world, nor are airports. If you have children and travel by car, you'll not be exposing them to extra germs that may be difficult for their little bodies to fight off. No one wants a sick child on their hands while traveling.

If you're travel party is all adults, car or plane travel is still a choice you need to make. Consider the distance, the cost, and your time frame. Car travel has added bonuses. Sometimes the trip isn't just about the destination; sometimes the trip can be the trip!

For additional car travel info (must needed safety tips for all travelers), you'll want to read a previous post HERE

For families traveling with children please read all about making a kids special travel trip tick here.

And if you're traveling with your furry friends car travel is much much better, they can run and play in the rest stop while the family's goes potty. And you don't have to leave your pets behind.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Traveling Safely in your Car

Travel season is upon use, many families will be hitting the roads for vacation when the kids get out of school for the summer. We sometimes take travel too lightly, we forget the dangers involved. Be safe, travel safe and you'll have more fun when you arrive at your destination. Practice car safety, you life may depend on it.

But before you go review this list, make sure you and your car are ready for a safe journey.
  • Have you checked your tire pressure?
  • Do you a full tank of gas?
  • Have you filled up the window washer fluid? Sometimes its' a good idea to have extra in the trunk
  • Do you a window scrapper (depending on when and where you're going, like the mountains even in summer you may need it)
  • Do you have a flash light for emergencies?
  • Do you have a cell phone charger that works in your car?
  • Does someone have your license plate number and the route you plan to travel?
  • Do take frequent breaks to stretch your legs and give your eyes a rest, change drivers if you're not alone.
  • Do you have a map along with written directions/GPS in case you run into road blocks, construction or changes that sometimes happen?
  • If you're alone, don't travel late at night.
  • Take your purse and cell phone with you when you stop to go to the bathroom, you may need them should an emergency arise.
  • Lock the car at all times, when you're in it and when you're not.
  • Do you have an extra car key in your pocket/purse? Or does the person you're with have an extra key?
  • Don't run on fumes because you don't want to stop for gas, fill up when you still have at least 1/4 of a tank. You never know when you may get in bad traffic, or exists are closed or you run into construction. Any number of things can happen. The gas may not be readily available in certain areas.
  • Many states have laws prohibiting the use of cells phones while driving without it being hands free. I love my blue -tooth for travel. You're connected if you have to make a fast emergency call, but you don't have to take your eyes off the road to make it happen. With that being said, limit your calls to necessary calls. I know I've been behind people for miles and miles who are chatting totally unaware they're changing speeds, crossing the line, and in general paying more attention to the call then the importance of driving.
  • Buckle up ALL THE TIME!
  • Don't drive barefooted. How many of you have seen someone with a foot out the window? I have, even the driver on a few occasions. That's not safe, it's just plain stupid.
  • Don't have music on so loud you can hear a siren or emergency vehicle
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Look where you are, notice who's around you. Don't walk to the restroom with your head down texting or changing your music with your earphones in. People unaware are an easy mark.
  • Don't leave valuables visible in the car, like your mp3 player, your video games, your cell phone, your purse, your GPS, your IPod, or laptop. Those are call out to would be thieves who are watching and waiting for their opportunity.
Now enjoy yourself, and happy traveling.

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