Monday, April 21, 2014


Rafting!  This is white water rafting and there are many places you can enjoy this.  Some are fun float down the river in hot water type trips, others much more strenuous fighting rapids.  What time of year you can has a lot to do with how high the water can be, how difficult the rafting might be.  There are different sized rafts piloted by skilled guides.  Hubby and I enjoyed a white water rafting trip years ago out in Utah.  There was some calm and we were able to take in the beauty of the area.  There is one picture of us in the raft......this isn't it.  Perched high on a cliff a professional photographer snapped pictures as the rafts rounded the bend.  You then had the option to view them and purchase them later.

State Parks, National Parks and Forest Preserves often have organized raft trips that vary in skill needed.  I'm not a good swimmer and so once was probably enough for me to feel that my card is punched on this particularly outdoor activity.

Goodness, we're rounded in on Letter R of our A-Z challenge, not many letters left.
Want an R destination?  Get your Kicks on Route 66

**After the close of April's A-Z, I plan to continue to write a post a day in the month of May using again the A-B-C's as my guide.  My focus for the month of May will be Spain.  I've been planning and almost have every letter thought out.  If others are interested in continuing to blog daily using our A-B-C's, please let me know.  We could start a linky and continue what we've begun during April.  I don't imagine it will be anywhere near the scope of the annual April Challenge.  But, if you're interested, please let me know in your comment.  And even if you're not up for another blog challenge, do stop back in, I have much to share from recent travels to Spain.**

If you're a new follower, please let me know so I can reciprocate.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Wrapping Up Another Week with A-Z on Easter Sunday

Since it's Easter Sunday, thought I'd share this photo taken in Barcelona at Sagrada Familia.

Another week has been completed by lots of bloggers in the anual A-Z Challenge in April.  I appreciate all who've come by read and left comments.  I've returned all.........except a few who have the blogs set to only accept people signed in with Disgus, Google+, and or Facebook.  It's a bit frustrating.  Joining a huge linky with currently over 2,000 members (and was more initially) then making it difficult or impossible for people to leave you comments.  That defeats the entire purpose of the linky and the challenge.  What I wonder from time to time is...they join, knowing they will not be returning visits and comments, therefore they don't care that they've closed their blogs to a large percentage of people.  They still get the traffic...because you don't know you can't leave a comment until you've taken the time to visit and read their get the traffic.  They won't be visiting you back, because you can't leave a comment.  Or is it not intentional and they simply don't understand?  One has to set ones blogs settings, so me thinks it's intentional.  How bout you all?

It's like sending someone an invitation to come to your house, and when they come knocking on your door; you don't answer it.  I do think as soon as those sites are visited by the hosts and the minions they should be deleted from the linky.

Last Sunday I asked that people please not leave the google+ page, that they leave the url to their actual blog, thank you to those that have changed. The same problem exists for those of us with multiple blogs, if I leave my google signature/ie my blogger dashboard you go to my profile page where you need to sort through my 5 blogs to see which one to visit, then hope it's the one signed up for a-z....though it's a bit more straight forward then the google+ pages it still puts the onerous on the visitor which I believe isn't quite the way it ought to be.  The blogger is the one that should take on the responsibility of making the path to his or her blog OPEN and EASY and QUICK.

Name and url (to your actual blog) is by far the easiest to me, but many don't like to have the setting available as you also have to have the anonymous option with it.  So then the next option is the hyper-link.  Many don't know how to make one, so they leave a cut and paste of the url to the blog...they're trying, but it's not a live link.  Here's how you make a live link...a hyperlink.

Alex Cavanaugh
Arleen Bird
ATarkabarka Holgy
Bob Sanchez
Carolyn Branch
Cascadian Nomands Bethany
Chris Boothman
Christine Rains
Corinne Vail
Daidri Smythe
Heather Gardner
Heather Musk
Jaimie Ramsey
jenna,Mark Draddy
Kate @Another Clean Slate
Leslie Melby
Lila Asnani
Liz A
looking for a view
Meandering Mind
Millie Burns
Nancy LaRonda Jackson
Natalie Bowers
Nilanjana Bose
Paige Rion
perspective of a writer
Preethi Venugopal
Rhonda Albom
Rikaine Hernadez
sean@His And Her Hobbies
Spacer Guy
Sue Kuentz
Sue McPeak
Susan leighnoble
Susan Scott
Suzanne Sapsed
Troy Miles
vanilla ban
Veronica Sicoe
Welcome to my World of Verse
Zoe Byrd

 **After the close of April's A-Z, I plan to continue to write a post a day in the month of May using again the A-B-C's as my guide. My focus for the month of May will be Spain. I've been planning and almost have every letter thought out. If others are interested in continuing to blog daily using our A-B-C's, please let me know. We could start a linky and continue what we've begun during April. I don't imagine it will be anywhere near the scope of the annual April Challenge. But, if you're interested, please let me know in your comment. And even if you're not up for another blog challenge, do stop back in, I have much to share from recent travels to Spain.**

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Queue Up

WOW......Todays's letter is Q.  Well I don't think you can travel in this day and age without finding yourself in a it for a cup of coffee, to use the bathroom, to go through security at the airport, to board or deplane your plane.  Knowing that ahead of time and expecting it might make people be more patient.  Sadly, queuing up seems to bring out some ugliness in people who think they have the right to be in the front of said queue.......even though often they walk right in front of someone who's been standing there longer.  

Some perspective......see what the dictionary has to say about the word.

1. A line of waiting people or vehicles.
2. A long braid of hair worn hanging down the back of the neck; a pigtail.
3. Computer Science
a. A sequence of stored data or programs awaiting processing.
b. A data structure from which the first item that can be retrieved is the one stored earliest.
intr.v. queuedqueu·ingqueues
To get in line: queue up at the box office.

[French, from Old French cuetail, from Latin cauda, cōda.]
Word History: When the British stand in queues (as they have been doing at least since 1837, when this meaning of the word is first recorded in English), they may not realize they form a tail. The French word queue from which the English word is borrowed is a descendant of Latin cōda, meaning "tail." French queue appeared in 1748 in English, referring to a plait of hair hanging down the back of the neck. By 1802 wearing a queue was a regulation in the British army, but by the mid-19th century queues had disappeared along with cocked hats. Latin cōda is also the source of Italian coda, which was adopted into English as a musical term (like so many other English musical terms that come from Italian). A coda is thus literally the "tail end" of a movement or composition.

Another Q word related to travel, is Quin, which is apparently a hotel room for 5 people.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Planes, Fly the Friendly Skies

P for Plane.  ( or for a P destination, I've blogger 39 times about Park City...yes there really is that much to see and do there. Traveling by plane can be positive or negative.  Yes, it's sometimes faster then driving your car, yes there are places you can fly that you can't drive your car, yes it's more expensive then driving your car........with a few exceptions.

How do you determine whether or not to fly or drive when making a trip?

  • How far are you traveling, how many tanks of gas would it take to get there, and how long in terms of hours?  Explore that fully.  Gas isn't cheap, and depending on the distance you're traveling you may need to factor in a hotel stay.  You also need to factor in how many times will you be stopping to eat, and how many mouths are you feeding.  Some trips can be cheaper to fly.  
  • Will you need a car once you're there?  Most likely and so now you also need to add the cost of a car rental.  
  • Time is important, you hate to lose valuable vacation time traveling; but even though plane's are considered to be quickier; you can still loose a whole day traveling.  Example:  If a car trip is around 6-8 hours, it's not much longer then a plane ride to the same location.  Arrive at the airport 1hour earlier then your flight, go through security, board, and actual flight time, wait for your luggage, wait again for your rental, drive to your location....that can come pretty close to how long it would take you to drive.  So here the determining factor might come down to how many people are traveling.
**After the close of April's A-Z, I plan to continue to write a post a day in the month of May using again the A-B-C's as my guide.  My focus for the month of May will be Spain.  I've been planning and almost have every letter thought out.  If others are interested in continuing to blog daily using our A-B-C's, please let me know.  We could start a linky and continue what we've begun during April.  I don't imagine it will be anywhere near the scope of the annual April Challenge.  But, if you're interested, please let me know in your comment.  And even if you're not up for another blog challenge, do stop back in, I have much to share from recent travels to Spain.**

If you're a new follower, please let me know so I can reciprocate.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Odors, Offensive Overbooked.......yikes

Several O words related to travel come to mind, looking for a O destination?  How bout a post I did previously on Olde Town.

Odor, Offensive, organization, overbooked, and oversized..........are words that popped into my head thinking about travel.

  • ODOR, when you decide it's a good idea to take something smelly on the plane to eat later, you are not everyone's favorite traveler.  The entire plane, passengers and crew members have to smell your too garlicky, too spicy, fishy, too Mexican and really don't appreciate it.  Think about your fellow travelers, you're not flying a private plane.
  • OFFENSIVE, your noisy game is offensive to those around you.  Turn it off, or plug in your ear phones.  Likewise your constant chatter about how important you are, is offensive to others.  Remember if you're really that important, would be aboard your personal plane.
  • ORGANIZATION, think about what you need at hand, think about what you will be using in your carry on and pack accordingly.  Don't just throw everything in, stand up every 10 minutes to grab something from the over head bumping your neighbors as you go.  Don't stand in the aisle for 20 minutes while you route for something and hold up the rest of those trying to board.  We have a constant theme here folks, YOU are NOT the only passenger, be considerate of your fellow travelers.  The idea of being organized is even more important if you're traveling with some children.
  • OVERBOOKED...some folks get irritable when planes are overbooked, some like it and volunteer to give up their flight for a free one later on.  Whichever camp you fall into, remember the ticket agent isn't the one who overbooked, don't take it out on them.  Be Polite.
  • OVERSIZED, stop packing oversized bags as carry on.  Yes, you think you're being clever saving money by not checking your bag; but YOU are responsible for delaying the plane, irritating your fellow travelers and the crew, AND YOU are responsible for raising ticket prices and the charge on bags.  Why........because a heavy plane needs more fuel, so when you pack oversized bags you're making the problem you think you're avoided worse.  You know before hand it's not going to fit under your seat, that it doesn't even come close to fitting into the sizer at the gate.
I repeat, you are not the only traveler, you are not flying a personal plane.  

**After the close of April's A-Z, I plan to continue to write a post a day in the month of May using again the A-B-C's as my guide.  My focus for the month of May will be Spain.  I've been planning and almost have every letter thought out.  If others are interested in continuing to blog daily using our A-B-C's, please let me know.  We could start a linky and continue what we've begun during April.  I don't imagine it will be anywhere near the scope of the annual April Challenge.  But, if you're interested, please let me know in your comment.  And even if you're not up for another blog challenge, do stop back in, I have much to share from recent travels to Spain.**

If you're a new follower, please let me know so I can reciprocate.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

GPS, Oh Garmin Where am I?

(Charlotte, North Carolina)
We've made it to N so far in our challenge.  N for Navigate.  "Re-calutating", Make a U-turn.  Can you hear the winy voice telling you that?  You do if you've ever used a GPS be it a Tom Tom, or Magellan, or the most popular of all Garmin.  We have a Garmin, why I sometimes wonder.  Hubby will ask me where's so and so, or such n such.  I turn it on and he precedes to argue with the machine, almost 100% of the time.  I love it personally, because I do not have a good sense of direction,, I'm willing to admit it.  Not something many men are willing to admit to........ask for directions, surely you jest.

A GPS gives us comfort, by us I mean those willing to listen to it.  You can navigate using your cell phones, but it's not really the same thing as a true GPS, and if you loose cell coverage you loose your directions.  So, I personally much prefer a GPS.

However, they can be frustrating.  We have the type of unit that can be updated.  However, I wish I'd never done it.  Why?  It's a bit of a come on, and very misleading.  I had the whole US when the unit was purchased, finally decided with construction perhaps I should update.  Apparently they've added so many graphics with updates that you don't have room to do the whole update.  So, once you've plugged it into your computer and waited 20 minutes you get a message telling you there's not enough room to load the new maps.  They ask what section of the country you'd like to add.  We were traveling in Arizona, so I choose the SW and added all the addresses of the hotels we would be staying in.

We arrived late at night, turned on the GPS as we exited the airport, and it spoke to us in Spanish....gees that was helpful, NOT.  Hubby turned to his smart phone.  Took two more attempts the following day to get the proper updated maps in English.  When I attempted to add my home area, once we were home; I again got the message insufficient room.  Nixed that idea and decided to load maps of Spain for an upcoming trip.  They wanted an additional $75.00 for that.  My unit is 2 years old, most new ones run around $110.00.  My choice add Spain, then attempt to remove and add my area once home again???

Solution..........currently I took the GPS out of the car, it won't be packed for the Spain trip, and I currently can't use it for here.  Do I opt to purchase a new one?  Isn't that their plan?  Planned obsolescence?  Jury's out on what to do next, but my advice is NOT to do the updates and just make adjustments to the areas you know have construction or have changed slightly.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Continuing to blog alphabetically for the month of April for the A-Z challenge brings us to M and today, let's talk Marriott.  Or maybe you like to visit an M destination, Manzanilla for instints, I've blogged about it HERE.   I've counted 38 Marriott Time Shares in the Continental US, however there are over 50 in 31 countries to choose from.  That's alot of locations and variety in activities as well.  Some are beach locations, others geared to golf, while others are geared to more family oriented destinations with things like Disney at hand.  Example there are 7 Marriott Time Shares in Hilton Head South Carolina (where it all began), and 7 in the ever popular Orlando and Disney area.

You can stay at your home resort, you can trade your weeks through Interval International, you can convert your weeks to destination points to stay elsewhere beyond your home resort, and you can turn your weeks into Marriott Rewards Points.  Maybe you've purchased more recently and don't own "weeks" but own trust points.  You can use your trust points to book at any of the locations and or use them towards tours or cruises.  Lots to choose from.

But, that's only one side of Marriott.  You can enjoy the quality of Marriott's without purchasing time share weeks.  There are a variety of Marriott Hotels, Marriott, JW Marriott, Residents Inn, Springhills, Courtyards and Renaissance.  With that variety there's always one near at hand.  With that variety of brands you also have many chooses in prize, room styles and amenities.  Some are geared more to personal travel, some more business, while others are nice adult locations and others geared towards traveling families.  Remember to use your Marriott Charge Card to obtain the most bang for your buck.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Loyalty Programs.

Today's letter is L.  I've written about Lake Erie here, a favorite spot for Ohioans.  And one must talk about Luggage for all kinds of travel, but I already wrote about that too, HERE

So today, I'm going to talk a bit about "loyalty" programs.  Everyone has one and it pays to take advantage of them when you can.  There are loyalty programs connected to your charge cards, example Eddie Bauer Charge Cards get connected to Delta Airline Miles.  Chances are your bank has one connected to their charge card.  Chase for example has a cash back program, and they have a 2nd program that gives you more points on certain types of purchases IF you go through their webpage.

Marriott has a rewards program and their rewards points can be used to book flights, and or hotel stays, you get more points if you're using their card.

Airlines have loyalty programs so it pays to be able to book most of your flights through one carrier.  You're not always able to, but if you're know you're going to be traveling for business and or pleasure, think about where you're going there one particular airlines that generally goes where you go?  Make that your primary airlines and you'll be more inclined to earn enough miles to get free flights.  

Many grocery stores have loyalty programs where you can save money by purchasing gift cards through them and earn money back on your groceries, some are tied into free gallons of gas as well.  

Loyalty programs can indeed save you money; but you need to be willing to invest some time to check several programs out and determine which one works best for you.  Don't try to do too many different programs...not only is it confusing; but you'll be spreading your earnings/savings in too many directions to quickly reap the rewards.

Save money on your flights, and your hotel stays by seeing what loyalty programs you can take advantage off.

**Though Sunday is a free day, I did write a post yesterday, wanted to thank all my visitors, check it out HERE**

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

AtoZchallenge, Sunday Wrap Up and Thank you

I wrote 98% of my A-Z challenge posts ahead and had them scheduled for the correct days, as I knew I would still be traveling for the first several days of the annual April Blog Challenge.  I visited briefly here and there while away (limited time and internet); and have played catch up since returning. **the picture is my hubby in Morocco, which is where we were when our blog challenge began, there will be lots of blog posts about Spain and Morocco after the a-z challenge**

I return every visit.............except when people don't leave links.  Very frustrating.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not leave the link to your google+ page.  It's next to impossible to find your blog.  What I think those who have google+ don't see is ...When a non google+ person visits your page we see the comments you've left on other peoples blogs........we have to hunt to find your blog, and even after hunting often it's not visible due the number of comments you've left elsewhere.  AND, if we non-google+ people are able to find your blog it's another 2 sometimes 3 clicks to get there..........then after reading and attempting to leave a comment we find we can not as your settings do not allow anyone (which includes wordpress, disgus, blogspot etc) who is not a member of google+ to leave a comment.  Since the whole point in the a-z challenge is to visit, meet new people....please open the doors to your blogs.

The easiest way to leave your link is to use the name and url option, url of the actual blog post, then I can return the favor of a blog visit and comment with 1 click.

The 2nd option is to leave a hyper link (NOT a cut and paste of your url)

Thank you to the following who've visited my blog:

Leslie Melby
Kate @Another Clean Slate
Corinne Vail
Lila Asnani
Paige Rion
Daidri Smythe
Jaimie Ramsey
Rhonda Albom
Nancy LaRonda Jackson
Chris Boothman
Rikaine Hernadez
Heather Gardner
Spacer Guy
Christine Rains
Arleen Bird
Heather Musk
Suzanne Sapsed
Liz A
Meandering Mind
Carolyn Branch
Preethi Venugopal
Cascadian Nomands Bethany

 If I missed someone.., please sing out so I can add you.  I apologize if I did.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Knitting Needles on Board Airlines

Knitting = K  and or Knoles Log Cabin (a K destination I've blogged about)

I have plenty of pictures of real knitting needles, knitted projects and the like; but thought the squirrel knitting might put a smile on your face.  Knitting starts with K...our letter for the day.  There are lots of discussions about whether or not one can knit on a plane.  Though you read and hear constantly you can't, I have more times then I can count.  I've flown domestically, and international to Aruba and to Mexico.  I've taken several different types of knitting needles, be on the safe side I usually pack my good needles (like Turbo's) in my checked bag, just in case and only have back up needles in my carry on.  I've generally taken circulars or wooden needles and try to have them be some of the less sharp needles.  The ONLY time I was questioned was when I had a whole set of interchangeable needles with extra cords.  The cords caught the camera's attention and they had to be sure they weren't wires.  I demonstrated how they hooked to the needles.

That said, some airline's list they are permitted, others don't list them as ok or not.  AND my research on the subject indicates which country you're flying in or out of can also make the difference.  To be safe, don't take a pair of needles you'll be upset about losing if they're taken from you.  I've not yet decided if I'll try to take any during my flight to Spain, as I've not flown on Ibera Airlines before.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Journey through your Journals

Journals, journals can be cute or plain; they can be big or small.  Write a journal of your trip/travels/vacation.

Moving right along with our A-Z challenge and today's letter is J=Journal.  Keeping a journal can serve several purposes.  If you're taking a family vacation, getting the kids involved in writing a journal about what they see, where you're going is a excellent way to keep them busy.  AND it's far more productive then letting them tune out with an electronic something.  They can keep track of mileage, dollars spent each day, particularly if you're travel by car.

Writing a journal is a good way to remember your trip.  What day you went where; even as an adult and makes for a nice momento.

Journals can aid you identify your pictures after the fact also.

Journals are a good educational tool also for the kids.  When they write about what they saw, what they learned, what they liked etc.  Find those places on the map, learn how to spell those words.  All very positive.

For a J destination, here's my post on Joshua Tree National Park

**REMINDER, please leave the url to your actual blog post, NOT your google+ page, NOT your blogger profile/dashboard page.  Use the name and url option, or leave a hyperlink.  As we all try to visit throughout the a-z network, leaving links that are not your actual blog post cause frustration and time loss.**

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Interval International

Interval International is the topic for today (but if you want a destination that starts with I, here's my post on The Iwo Jima Monument)  because it starts with the letter I.  If you're a member of Interval International you can travel the world more affordably.  People who belong to various timeshare groups have the ability to deposit the time share weeks to trade to go somewhere beyond their home resort.  You can purchase travel insurance through them as well, pretty reasonably priced.

There are multiple levels of membership, each providing additional benefits to the member.

  • Regular, you can exchange your time share week, Getaways (vacant weeks more affordable then regular rental rates), E-Plus (options for re-trading your week for a different location or date), and travel insurance
  • Gold, in addition to the above benefits you get $25.00 discount when you book a Getaway, ability to book short-stays (turn your week into 2 stays of 1-6 nights), Interval options (turn your timeshare week into a cruise, golf or spa specials), Hertz Gold (discounts on car rentals).
  • Platinum, same benefits as above but, $50.00 discounts for Getaways, membership in airport lounges, free quest certificates (when you book a vacation for someone else there is a charge to change the certificate to their name, this fee is waved with this membership level), Priority Getaway viewing (you see the options before the other members
I've found the staff at Interval International to be very helpful and whenever possible very accommodating.  If you're a timeshare owner, I highly recommend you join Interval International.  Decide which membership works for you based on how you tend to use your timeshare, and how often you travel.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Historic Destinations

Moving right along with the A-Z challenge today brings us to H.  Words that start with H and have to do travel.......for hubby and I the biggest word is History, Historical.  We love visiting historic landmarks around the country, and elsewhere.  Touring and learning the story behind something to me makes it all so much more enjoyable.  Whether we stop to read an historic sign, or tour a historic home, or visit historic battlefields or enjoy the art that surrounds historic monuments; we always learn new things in our travels.  Doing this gives us a better understanding about how our country developed.

One thing hubby and I don't share an interest in though is a haunted tour.  I always want to take them, and he never does.  A haunted tour takes place at night, and I don't want to do that solo;'s something I've yet to do.

However, I've lunch at a Haunted and Historic Tavern.  Click here for the story about the murder.
Where....right here in Ohio.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Group Travel

Group Travel.......or Gettysburg  you decide.
Group travel can be fun, it can also make travel less expensive; but it's not for everyone.  It could have you feeling a bit blurry like the folks in the picture.  Things to consider before you sign up for a group travel:

  • Will you have any free time?
  • Does everyone in the group want to do the same thing?
  • Does noise and chaos bother you?  If so, group travel might not be the best option for you.
  • How many meals are included in the group price?
  • Is it a walking tour, or a bus type tour?
  • Will there be opportunities to take pictures?
Other ways to save money without doing a complete group tour in your travels...check Groupon for the area you're going to.  Sometimes there are good deals in tourist areas for dining and entertainment, as well as lodging.

Maybe a combination of your own vacation with a day or two for a group tour is the way to have quiet and group time.  Fun and relaxation.  It's also a good way to visit someplace you've not been before.

Hubby and I used to do group type vacations, not organized group tours and find as we get older trying to get everyone organized is a bit of a chore.  Who wants what for dinner, who wants to go out vs those who want to stay in; how much money do people in the group want to spend can lead to lost time and uncomfortable situations.  Think about your needs, there's much to consider beyond the price tag.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Foreign Travel

 Foreign Travel.......Another A-Z post. (Fort Sumter post click here)

Foreign Travel takes far more preparation, planning and organization then traveling within your own country.

  • Do you have a passport?
  • Do you need a visa?
  • What type of currency do you need, and how long do you need to give your bank to obtain the funds?
  • What is the exchange rate?  Are you charged if you use your charge card?
  • Will there be a language barrier?
  • Will your electrical devices, such as your phone, computer and i-pad be compatible with the electrical outlets where you plan to travel?
  • Do you need to make special telephone arrangements?  Is your cell phone set up for foreign travel?
  • Do you need to purchase skype or other such service to minimize the cost of phone calls back home?
  • Do you need to upgrade your Garmin (or other GPS) to have directions in your travels?
Do pay attention to these items ahead of time, otherwise you'll find yourself struggling to over come problems instead of enjoying your travels.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Enough and Everything when Traveling

No these pretty tulips have nothing to do with todays post, today's letter for the challenge; but

Ok, you might be scratching you head, saying...what?  Let me explain.  First with regard to the picture, it's last years photo, nothing close to that colorful or pretty, still watching snow melt.  No you can't have enough of color, and flowers...(PERHAPS YOU PREFER A POST ABOUT A LOCATION THAT STARTS WITH E...Effingham

But When do you know it's enough when you're traveling?  It's enough when you can't zip your luggage.  When you think you have "enough", remove one whole outfit.

When you try to do "everything" when you travel, because you think you can't get enough; you end up with not enough.  Scratching your head again, right.  When you try to do everything, you end up with not seeing enough; because everything is a blur.  Plan down time to absorb what you've seen.  That gives time to enjoy it, remember it and then you will have had enough.

Example (notice that's another E word).

We're traveling to Spain.  I've never been there before, I know we can't see everything or go everywhere, but it will be enough because we're planning.
Depart on Monday, arrive Tuesday...........beyond checking in, adjusting to the time, and doing a bit of grocery shopping (for things like coffee and maybe snacks), that will be enough.  Wednesday we'll explore close at hand in order to get back to the condo and rest and Thursday we'll pick up a friend and explore on the way back from the airport.  Friday will be low keyed and a brief day visit somewhere in preparation for a big day on Saturday, Monday will probably be another big day of touring.........see with time in between to think and chat about what we've seen.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Destination, When and Where

You've heard the expression, Location-Location-Location!  While that generally refers to where a house or business is in relationship to what the price tag occurs to me Location=Destination when thinking about traveling. (or if you want a location Drayton Hall, South Carolina)
So, here we are with another A-Z post.  We'll discuss destinations.  How do you decide where to go on your family vacation, or in your travels?  Do you think about what you want to do or do you just go to places you know; or places others have told you about?  Are you often disappointed about your vacation/travels?

What you want to do should be decided first, then you narrow your choices about where and when.  Example:  You lead a really busy time oriented life style and you want to relax on your trip in order to rest and re-charge.  You lead a quiet home life and want some adventure in your travels. You need family oriented activities vs adult only activities.

If you want an active vacation you'll need to think of places to hike, or scuba dive, or snow ski or perhaps sky dive.  Hiking is generally not done in beach areas for example; so then maybe you're looking for mountains.  If on the other hand you want to relax and read by the pool, you'll want a hot sunny area Florida vs Maine.  If you want to entertain the kids area's with Casino's aren't the way to go.  So think about what you want to get out of your vacation.

The number of times I've heard people say well yeah the resort was really nice; but there wasn't anything to do.  Apparently they wanted a more active vacation vs some dear friends of ours that said I felt like I was a boot camp...........too active and time scheduled.

So think:

  • Relax
  • Active
  • Family Oriented
  • Pet Friendly
  • Adults please with nice restaurants.
Answering a few questions like that will get you started on selecting the ideal destination for your travels.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Carry On Lugguage, A-Z Challenge

What's all the Fuse about Carry On's? (or any of 28 blog posts on California)
Another A-Z post.  This piece of luggage (with wheels) is called a carry on.  But, in reality I know and you do too there's no way that's going to fit underneath the seat in front of me.  AND yet, I constantly see people with suitcases larger then this one trying to push and squeeze it into the overheads.  Some are so large they can't even make it down the isle with them.  Why do the airlines not enforce the real size?

How does a luggage company call something a carry on, when in fact the size of said carry on is not uniform, it is in fact determined by the individual airlines.  Some airlines say a carry on can't weight more then 11 pounds.  11=6.8=4.2.  Keep in mind unless all you put in this size suitcase is hose and underwear........there's no way it's not going to weight more then 4.2 pounds.  AND this carry on is a good 3 pounds lighter then most.  I checked out about 15 different models, styles, and makers recently.

Some airlines say a carry on should not be larger then 40-45-50 inches total.  I found 3 different parameters when looking through American Airlines, Southwest, and Delta's webpages.  What does then mean, not total more then 40-45-or 50 inches?  L+W+H.  American Airlines specifically gives these dimensions 22 x 14 x 19.  If you add 22+14+19 you get 45.  In centimeters they list 56x36x23.  Another website indicates 10 x 16 x 24.  Those measurements total 50.  But, get out your yard stick and see how small those measurements actually are.  And yet we constantly see duffels and suitcases so large it takes 2 grown men to lift it in the overhead and takes up 2 or 3 spaces.  I don't think this should be permitted.  Heavy plans use more fuel, more fuel makes the need to raise the cost of tickets.  Why should the traveler not toting a heavy too large carry on help to pay for those who do not abide by the rules? makes loading the plan slower.

A carry on should a few items you need or want to have with you during the flight, NOT your weeks worth of need to check that bag.  Think about it next time you travel.  Get your tape measure out and actually measure your bag.  Weight it, see how far beyond 11 pounds you are.

I measured 3 different "carry on's" here at the house.  Bags that look more like a brief case and they're all in the 17 x 5 x 15 range.  They don't have wheels and I doubt most of them would fit under the seat.  Seems the airlines need to re-define what is a carry one.  Perhaps there should be categories, those with bags that fit under the seat free, those that use up valuable cargo above charge them, perhaps less then a checked bag...but, that would be a more equitable arrangement.  Pay for what you use.  I often opt for a canvass Zip back I can stuff under the seat and easily carry.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Baggage Claim, A-Z Challenge

BAGGAGE Claim (or Baltimore Harbor)

Another challenge Post.  Baggage Claim can be a wild and frustrating part of travel.  Why?  Everyone is excited and anxious to get their bags and get on with their trip, or they're tired and want to get home if it's the return trip.

Everyone lines up 2 inches from the conveyor belt...crowding each other out and making it next to impossible see bags or for the person who's bag does arrive to retrieve it without hitting those crammed together.  BACK UP.  Yes, you really can see from a foot away, and yes you won't get hit, and yes you'll have room to get your bag.

Got twelve people in your group?  Do all twelve of you need to be there?  NO!  Station a few people to get the luggage and others well back to watch over the luggage as you get it.  Particularly if you have children in the mix.  Kids at the edge getting fingers caught trying to grab luggage not smart.  Kids sitting on the lip of the conveyor belt........really not smart.  Wake up parents.

How many people have black luggage?  THOUSANDS and then some.  Attach ribbons, bows, colorful something to your bag so you can spot it easier.  And while they...(airport officials) always tell people to look at the address label that should be on luggage, 9 out of 10 people don't look.  I've lost track of the number of times I see someone grab and go and minutes later someone finds out their luggage was taken by someone else.  Pay attention, yes it takes a few minutes; but far less time then filing a claim and going to the hotel empty handed or returning home waiting on the jerk to realize he or she has your luggage.

Travel isn't very civilized, but YOU can make it nicer.  Breath and take a few minutes, everyone will feel better if you do.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Airports, A-Z Challenge

And we begin at the beginning, a very good place to start.  Some of you may be playing today with April Fools Jokes, but lots of us are starting our Blog Challenge because it's April 1.  

Airports are a necessary evil of lots of travel, they can make or break you.  Think about your needs, your family needs don't just assume everything will happen the way you want or need it to.  Think BEFORE you go.  Airports are busy, loud, dirty and generally inconvenient places.  None of that makes for a pleasant day to start or end your travels.  

Food is generally expensive at airports, and typically not all that good.  What time are you traveling, can you...should you eat before?  Should you take snacks in your bag?  Often the place you might prefer to eat isn't where your gate is.  Look at the airport maps BEFORE you go, have a plan.  This is particularly important if you're traveling with small children and or a senior who walks with a cane or needs a wheel chair.  Airports are large and often not that easy to navigate.

I mentioned their dirty, do you really want to sit on the floor where thousands of people have walked with their shoes?  Parents this is particularly directed to you.  DON'T allow your children to wallow on the floor.  
Yes, airports are dirty and people who leave their trash behind them only make matters worse.  Don't be a slob and leave you chip bag on the floor along with your half finished big Slurpee.  It's guaranteed to get knocked over and cause a mess.  

Airports are loud, people are talking, there are announcements, radio's and games on.'re not here along, turn down the volume or better yet plug in your ear phones.  There's no reason why the other 300 travelers crammed into that one gate need to hear your head banging garbage you call music...or the beep beep beep of the kids game.

Pillows, why do people drag their pillows with them?  I do mean drag.  They flop them on the suitcases, on the floor, on the seats both in the airports and planes where thousands have been before them, then they sleep on them with all those germs and wonder why they always get sick when they travel...hum!  If you must tote your pillow like it's your safety blanket but it in a plastic bag to keep it clean

Cell phones, wonderful tools.  Can't travel without them; but...........hold it to your ear and talk, like we all did back in the dark ages with a real phone.  Don't put the speaker on.  We really don't need or want to listen to several hundred conversations about who ate what for dinner the night before and like he said she said, know what I mean.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


  Though it's not quite time to start the A-Z challenge, as it begins on April 1, thought I'd do an A posting anyway.  This is a brief look at Antietam.  You could spend hours and hours there, trying to follow how the battle unfolded, reading all the monuments, admiring the beauty of artistic stones, and respecting the brave men.  Antietam was the single bloodiest day in the fighting of The Civil War.  The battle took place on the bank of Antietam Creek, thus the name of the battle.  Though it's near the town of Sharpsburg.  The South refers to it as the battle of Sharpsburg.  Some of these pictures are hard to read (was very sunny the day we were there), the above close up portion is of The 23rd Ohio Infantry Regiment.  This regiment had two men who later became President of the preserved Union, Rutherford B. Hayes, and William McKinley.

 There are a total of 9 Ohio Monuments, honoring The 1st Ohio Light Artillery, The 5th,7th, & 66th Ohio Infantry Regiment, The 8th Ohio Infantry Regiment, The 11th Ohio Infantry Regiment, The 12th Ohio Infantry Regiment, The 23rd Ohio Infantry Regiment, The 28th Ohio Infantry Regiment, The 30th Ohio Infantry Regiment, and The 36th Ohio Infantry Regiment.
  The Ohio monuments were all dedicated in 1903.  Ten states have monuments to their dead: Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Ohio.  This was the first battle fought on Union soil.  The battle strategically was considered a victory for The North, but tactically was considered a draw.

The number known to have been killed were 2,108 for the North and 1,546 for the South (3,654 total); wounded numbers were staggering for sides 9,540 for the North and 7,752 for the south (17,292 total).  Add to that the number captured and or missing, 753 for the North and 1,018 for the South (1,771 total).
*****22,717 killed, wounded, captured, and or missing in 1 single battle*********
A horrible loss for our country.

The battlefield is something everyone should put on their list of things to see.  While we can't truly absorb it all, it is worth the try.

Pop in, Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

April Blogging Challenge, Travel as you Go

Can you believe it's that time of year again?  I joined the A-Z challenge last year on 4 of my 5 blogs which was quite a chore.  I scheduled posts ahead...just barely made it by got them all written with I think a day to spare.  Thus far, I've only signed up one blog.....this one.  Not sure I want to bite off that much this time round.  I put lots and lots of time into writing thoughtful posts and visited far more blogs daily then was suggested.  I felt like I put alot more into it then I got back in terms of blog visits and comments and followers.  Many people felt that way, but the majority felt it was a positive experience....and soooooooooooooo

Here we are again.  When I signed up I was blog #845, think that was over a week ago, and currently I'm #841.  That means a few folks have drop out or been eliminated already.  The number changes throughout the process.

What is the challenge?  Write a blog post daily (except Sunday) in alphabetical order.  Some people elect to blog in a theme for the whole month, others not.  There are categories which can be used or not.  I didn't choose categories last year on any of my blogs as I though the wide open was better and allowed more choices.  This year I did select TR (travel), since this is a travel blog.  I thought people would be open minded and visit all kinds of blogs last year...that didn't seem to be the case.  Example writers tended only to visit writers blogs.  Well everyone travels be it for work or pleasure so doesn't everyone enjoy a travel blog?  Apparently not, lol.  So, will see how it goes this year round.

So travel as you go; be it with your own blogging or your visits were you're traveling here on the net.  I'll be happy to have you accompany and the best part, you don't have to pack or do laundry!

The blog badge in the sidebar will take you to the blog to sign up for the challenge.  Come join us and have fun.

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Luggage Important in Your Travels.

 Luggage comes in every size, shape and color these days.  What do you pick?  In our younger years we'd buy the set of 3 or 5 pieces with everything matching because it was "cheaper".  Over night car travel was then the bulk of our travels and so the cheap multi-sized pieces worked.  But, not for long...the type of travel you do really dictates the type of luggage you should tote.  When you fly you are restricted to the number of pieces you can carry, as well as the weight.....unless you're ok paying an arm and a leg for more.  How long are you going?  Are you checking or carrying on?  AND if you're carrying on, can you actually lift your suitcase over your head to put in the overhead compartments?  The above Helium Sky Delsey) is a large check type bag we purchased for our daughter for her birthday.  It's light weight, something under 10 pounds.  Far lighter empty then our older style multi-piece luggage sets.  Luggage was heavier because weight didn't used to be an issue.  It is now.  Zippers and frames get broken with lots of use and being tossed around by the airlines.
This is the carry on she choose.  It's a Delsey, but not the same line, and does't match.  She choose it because it only weights 6.8 pounds empty.  Huge consideration when you're traveling alone and need to be able to lift it yourself to place in the overhead.  Notice both suitcases have the 2 outside pockets with separate zippered compartments.  Another important consideration.  Though the new molded designs are easier to see on the conveyor built after your flight, they do not have any outside storage.  Outside storage is a good place to place wet items to keep them separate from your regular luggage, papers you need to keep flat, items you need to be able to reach quickly (probably a bit more of concern with a carry on).
 Out with the old and in with the new.  The black on the left was my large check back, also a Helium, purchased at AAA a good number of years ago.  Notice it also has the 2 outside pockets.  Over the years the flippers on several of the zippers have gone by the wayside, and most recently the outside frame has snapped completely.  I wondered why it was getting hard to line up properly to zip, to pull the handle in and out etc, when hubby spotted the snapped frame.  I've replaced it with the newest model of the same series a Delsey Helium Breeze.  While not quite as light as the  large suitcase Darling Daughter choose, it has a few items that fit my personal travel needs and weights 11.3 pounds empty.  Many we looked at were considerably heavier (particularly the cheaper suitcases).
 This gizmo tells you if you bag is over 50 pounds........very important feature, as the bulk of our travel is by plane.  While we can and do weight suitcases at home after their packed, not easy to do on the return trip often.  You rarely pack the same on the return trip with consideration for dirty items, and souvenirs you've picked up along the way etc.
 This outside zippered area is something I've not seen before.

It has a sleeves that can be snapped across the bottom of the suitcase to separate items you might not want mixed with your regular clothing......perhaps dirty shoes?  Maybe you need to be able to reach items quickly without messing with your whole packed bag?  You can pull those items out while your suitcase is still zippered shut.  Looks like a neat option that could be quite useful.
 For items (good clothes) you don't want wrinkled, this has the pretty traditional mess unit in the lid of the suitcase; but it also has a 3rd zipper
 that allows you to open up the whole thing for larger items (suits or dresses).  So you have 3 areas there to work with.  Once opened this area is about an inch thick.
Another consideration is the newer design of 4 wheels vs the more traditional design of old black suitcase of 2 wheels.  With 4 wheels you have added stability, maneuverability and you can walk it beside you vs pulling it behind you.........easier on the arms, less physical.

Consider more then cost when you purchase luggage.  Think about how you travel, what type of clothing you pack, what are you packing/travel needs.  Young strong people probably are less concerned with weight of the suitcase or easy of toting it.

I choose red this time, hoping the dirt won't be too much a factor.  My hope is being able to spot it easier on the conveyor belt.  I've added 2 different colored luggage tags...again to help differentiate my suitcase from someone else's; plus if one falls off........I have a back up.  I will also add a colorful strap and or bow of brightly colored yarn.  Anything you can do to spot your suitcase as "different" is of value.

**Sorry folks, it's been a good long while since I've posted here, life got busy.  Hope my regular readers are still with me.  Also having issues with the template and will be needing to make changes again with it it.**

Pop in Often, remember Menu Mondays for dining tips, Traveling Tips on Thursday, and any day for vacation destinations.